

Page history last edited by Lou McGill 9 years ago

Coventry University Open Media Courses

A space to collate evaluation information about the Open Media Classes at Coventry University.


Aiming to examine and evaluate the Open Media Classes initiative at Coventry University, with particular reference to Phonar, in terms of the benefits it has enabled Coventry to realise and the possibility of the transfer of the model to other parts of the sector.

Aiming to work with the team to support and enhance their processes and practice, and make recommendations and to work with Jisc on a range of advice and guidance products based on ongoing evaluations and findings.


The objectives of the evaluation are:

i. To gain and refine an understanding of the work of the Coventry Open Media team, in terms particularly of organisational, pedagogic and technological decisions.

ii. To tell the story of the project in terms that makes what is being learnt relevant to the wider sector.

iii. To make recommendations to the project and to Jisc about the support and delivery of this form of open learning.


Evaluators: Lou McGill, Educational Consultant and Tim Gray, Academic in Fine Arts and Animation


Final report available as a website http://comc.loumcgill.co.uk/ 

and as a downloadable pdf file - http://repository.jisc.ac.uk/6069/1/JR0041_OPEN_EDUCATION_REPORT_V3.pdf


Narrative - Coventry's Open Media Courses


Introduction and background

Findings and outcomes - summary

     What factors led to the development of the classes?

     What kinds of institutional and departmental structures, strategies, policies and processes can support these models?

     What kinds of support do staff need to implement these new open connected approaches?

     What kinds of curriculum changes were made as the classes were developed?

     What was the impact of the classes on the various stakeholders?

    How transferable are the models to other institutional contexts and subject disciplines?







The evaluation study


     Wider context

Evaluation Approach and Stakeholders

Evaluation activities and Evaluation questions

About the classes


     Roles and skills

     Institutional context




Examples of the approaches in other contexts, both in the UK and globally - highlighted in Wider context

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